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2017-18 High School Bursaries Awarded

The Kitchener Knights of Columbus proudly supports the Waterloo District Catholic School Board and its students. At the end of this school year in June, 2018, eight graduating high school students each received $250 bursaries from Council 1504 for attaining general overall proficiency and grade point average. For many years now, Council 1504 has recognized our secondary school graduates who display an elevated level of aptitude while obtaining their Catholic education.

Four students from Resurrection Catholic Secondary School were recipients of $250 K of C Bursaries recognizing their high grades and general proficiency. Presenting endowments was Council 1504 DGK Mike Szabo (photos and student names unavailable).

Four students from St. Mary’s High School who received their $250 K of C Bursaries from GK Dave Obermeyer included:  Lukas Cimermancic, Nicole Leal, Julia Summers and Celine Tran.

2018 Bursaries Resurrection.1
2018 Bursaries Resurrection.2
2018 Bursaries Resurrection.3
2018 Bursaries Resurrection.4


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