by Gary Megaffin
Rained out on August 25, a rescheduled 2018 Annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Golf Tournament was held at Foxwood Golf & Country Club Saturday, September 29. Cool winds greeted 36 golfers as they waited to tee off to support the Children’s Wish foundation. At the end of the day tied at seven under par went to the foursome of Jeff Schedewitz, Chris Shedewitz, Darryl Gray and John Ogg and the quartet of Pat McGrath, Gary Olinski, Brad Olinski and Dave Jaeger. The Putting Contest winner was Dave Hudder. After the game, golfers enjoyed the Club’s dining room menu with the Children’s Wish Foundation receiving a very generous donation from Council 1504.

Brother Fernando Melo sells the lucky-draw and mulligan tickets while DGK Gary Megaffin collects green fees and registers golfers for the Annual K of C Memorial Golf Tournament.

Organizing the transportation for golfers competing in the 2018 K of C Golf Tournament at Foxwood Golf and Country Club.

A confident Pat McGrath on his way to tee off in the 2018 K of C Annual Memorial Golf Tournament.

Practice their putting before teeing off at the 2018 K of C Memorial Golf Tournament held at Foxwood Golf and Country Club.

GK Mike Szabo supervising the Putting Contest while other duffers wait to challenge.

He’s running late to tee off, so Brother Mac Graham has lunch on the go!

“Oh, oh, it’s in the rough….again!”

The sun was shining on a chilly day but stalwart golfers ( l to r) Brian Hughes, Gerry Kelly, Rick Phillips, Dave Hudder and Mac Graham braved the winds to compete in the 2018 K of C Annual Memorial Golf Tournament.