by Gary Megaffin

The Columbus Kitchener Co-operative Inc., held its Annual General Meeting Tuesday April 23, 2019. Chairman Brian Hughes welcomed the assembled to the meeting and reported how proud he was of the work done by the Board this past year. The agenda included several business items including time allotted for the election of executive positions to the Board. The election was led by Brother Gerry Kelly giving a brief explanation and the responsibilities of the board positions.
Congratulations to the new Corporation members for executive positions on the CKCI board for 2019-2020.
Chairman: Brian Schmalz
Vice Chair: Mario Peretti
Treasurer: Mac Graham
Secretary: Dave Obermeyer
Chairman Brian Schmalz appointed the following:
Grounds: Jim Padgett and Wayne Curry
Council Liaison: Jack Nolan
Building Facilities: Kevin Schmalz & Dave Obermeyer
Director at Large: Brian Hughes
At closing, Chairman Brian Hughes thanked the Directors and the members for their great attendance, and invited all to remain and enjoy some light refreshments.