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2021 Memorial Mass

by Gary Megaffin

The Annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass was held at Blessed Sacrament Parish on Sunday November 7. The celebration honours our Brother Knights from Council 1504 who have passed away this past year.

Recognized during Mass were Brothers, James Ruland, Ramon Alviano, Ronald Bernardo, John Howe, John Donovan, Peter McEwan, Barry Ruetz and Father Edwin Lapinski.  At this time, we ask that you remember those family members of current Brother Knights who passed away this year.  Isobel Obermeyer, mother of PGK Brother Dave Obermeyer; Lorrain Nolan wife of Brother Jack Nolan; Joyce Megaffin wife of Brother Gary Megaffin; Margo Solomon wife of Brother Ronald Solomon and the mother of Chaplain Father Larry Parent, Jacqueline Parent.  The families from two deceased Knights attended Mrs. Barry Ruetz and Peter McEwan’s son-in-law Brian Arsenault. They were given a Memorial Plaque blessed by Father Larry and presented by Grand Knight Hank Helmond.  Assisting at the Mass serving as the Honour Guard were 4th Degree members Sir Knights Whit Husk and Mike Szabo.  Normally a reception is enjoyed following the presentation, however due to current restrictions it was cancelled.


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