It was a great day for 45 tour-goers Sunday, November 6 as they enjoyed the K of C MacLean’s Brewery Tour in Hanover. The sold-out trip left from the Kitchener Auditorium parking lot around noon, which began a day filled with food and fun. Council members and friends, who filled the bus to capacity, were safe in the capable hands of Andrew the bus driver, returning everyone home around 4:00 pm. Special thanks to PGK Brian Schmalz who helped organize the excursion and kudos to Brian Hughes Sr for arranging the bus from Sharp Bus Lines. Another successful Council event well received.

Cheerful bus driver Andrew, seen chauffeuring a happy group on their way to Hanover for the MacLean’s Brewery Tour. The K of C event had a full house of members and friends that enjoyed a great, fun-filled Autumn day, sampling food and fermentation!

A beautiful autumn afternoon for a sold out tour of Maclean’s microbrewery in Hanover. Fun, food and flavourful libations were had by all 1504 Knights, family and friends who were on hand to attend. A special thanks to PGK Brian Schmalz who helped coordinate this family valued event.