by Steve Oliver
Knights of Columbus
Council 1504 Backpack Challenge
Brother Knights,
In July, when I proposed the backpack drive to all of you, I had expected that we would be able to donate 7 to 10 backpacks to Waterloo Regional Police for their Back to School Backpack Challenge. My thoughts were with the price of gas, inflation on other items and this being our first year involved in the Challenge that we would have those numbers, however, never did I expect what was to follow.
Brothers, I am simply overwhelmed by the community spirit and donations for this event. Below I have broken down how much we donated and where council donations went. This is an absolutely extraordinary turnout and I cannot wait for next year when we can do it again.
Donated Backpacks – 9
Donated Lunch Bags – 2
Donation Purchased Backpacks – 5
Donation Purchased Lunch Bags – 3
Council Donation $500
Backpacks – 13
Lunch Bags – 18
Pencil Crayons – 10
Highlighters – 15
Pens -10
Pencil Cases – 4
Crayon – 20
Total Items = 109
Thank you kindly to you all!!
Brother Steve