The Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton Diocese was honoured at the Ontario Knights of Columbus (District 69) Annual Bishop’s Charity Dinner. Kitchener Council 1504 sent 10 delegates to this enjoyable evening held at The Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, 28 Norfolk Street Guelph, Sunday October 16th, 2016. Also in attendance was Ontario State Deputy Alain Cayer on hand supporting our local Councils. The silent auction benefitted from a Nativity Scene donation from Council 1504.

The Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph, was the scene for the recent Ontario K of C, (District 69) Annual Bishop’s Charity Dinner in honour of The Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton. Attending (L to R) Ontario State Deputy Alain Cayer, Chris Pugh, unknown guest, Wayne Curry, Marilyn Curry, Tim Ferguson, Fr. Larry Parent, GK Dave Obermeyer, Bishop Douglas Crosby, Margaret Hughes, Anna Szabo, DGK Mike Szabo, Birgit Obermeyer, PGK Brian Hughes.

Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI (L) and Council 1504 GK Dave Obermeyer at the Knights of Columbus Bishop’s Charity Dinner, held at The Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph.

Ontario State Deputy Alain Cayer (L) and Council 1504 GK Dave Obermeyer at the K of C Bishop’s Charity Dinner.