Brother Knights:
Your Knights of Columbus clubhouse, better known as the “Columbus Centre,” has undergone some renovations to better serve our membership and your families! We have done some external landscaping to enhance our look, which includes new pathways for members that need mobility assistance. The Corporation executives felt to best serve the 1504 members we needed to update your facilities. With those much-needed changes, our membership and families will now be able to enjoy the facilities on a social level.
We have a number of events that are in the planning stages, which include the famous “Steak Fry” and something new this year will be our very own Notre Dame football “Tailgate” party when the Fighting Irish are on the road! We also have our Columbus Centre open on Saturday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:30 for your enjoyment. These are just a few things that your Corporation executive have lined up so that you and your family can come out and enjoy with other members. Please take the time to stop by, if only for a few minutes, to see what has transpired from old to new.
We are also looking at having social members again, as we have in the past. Social members are non-Catholics who wish to be a part of our group, and can take part in all parts of our fundraising and social events and community social justice.
Continue to check your emails for announcements of upcoming events. Finally, I want to thank all the members that worked on this very important undertaking to better serve our membership going forward. Your work and dedication to this project has shown by the results that we now have so the 1504 families can enjoy!
Brian Schmalz Corporation Chair
