Officiating at the 107th Installation of Officers for the Kitchener Knights of Columbus Council 1504, Chaplain Father Larry Parent, left, Advocate Terry Molloy and District Deputy Ted Jasica.

Newly installed Executive members of the Kitchener Knights of Columbus, Council 1504 for 2017/2018. Back row, l to r, 1 yr. Trustee Mike Detzler, Acting Financial Secretary Gerry Kelly, Treasurer Reinhart Schreiter, 2 yr. Trustee Wayne Curry, 3 yr. Trustee Sean Meaney and Inside Guard Chris Detzler. Front row, l to r, Advocate Terry Molloy, Warden Jonathan Molloy, District Deputy Ted Jasica, Deputy Grand Knight Mike Szabo, Grand Knight Dave Obermeyer, Chaplain Father Larry Parent, 4th Degree Honour Guard representative Fernando Melo and Chancellor Max Salman. Absent, Outside Guard Hank Helmond, Past Grand Knight Brian Schmalz and Recorder Mike van Lammeren.