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Jubilarians Honoured

Each year, the Congregation of the Resurrection recognizes those in the order who celebrate their ministry anniversaries. This year the CR Jubilee Dinner was held at St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall on Thursday May 25, and several dedicated clergy commemorated their years serving God. Fr. Joseph de Viveiros, CR – 25 years; Fr. Paul Voisin, CR – 40 years; Fr. Murray McDermott, CR – 40 years; Fr. Patrick McKelvie, CR – 40 years; Br. Ed Benson, CR – 50 years; Fr. Chester Chmurzynski, CR – 60 years and Fr. Edwin Lapinski, CR – 65 years.

The dinner was enjoyed with numerous members of the order and many invited guests, with Msgr. Murray J. Kroetsch saying grace. It was a special evening for Fr. Joseph, Pastor at St. Francis, who has been assigned new duties and, after 12 years, will be leaving his Parish at the end of July. Members of the Kitchener Knights of Columbus attended the dinner with Brothers Don Cameron, Wayne Curry, Chris Pugh and Gary Megaffin preparing and serving refreshments to the invited guests.

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