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Knights In Action

While undergoing several anticipated major renovations at St. Francis of Assisi Church, pastor Father Joseph de Viveiros CR encountered a couple of unexpected projects that weren’t expected but involved immediate attention.  It was discovered the Church’s furnace and air conditioning unit had to be replaced while the computer, necessary to operate the elevator, requires updating.  The cost of the unexpected repairs could exceed $75,000.00.  Answering the call from a Brother Knight parishioner, Kitchener Knights of Columbus Council 1504 Grand Knight Dave Obermeyer presented Father Joseph with a charitable donation of two-thousand dollars to St. Francis of Assisi Church to aid in the repairs.  Further K of C support will come in the new year as a fundraising spaghetti supper is planned for St. Francis with all funds raised going to help underwrite the cost of the restorations.

Grand Knight Dave Obermeyer presents Father Joe with a cheque to put towards church renovations at St. Francis.


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