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Knights of Columbus Charitable Report for 2014

Wednesday October 7, 2015

The Knights of Columbus Charitable Contributions Report for 2014 stated the Order’s record levels of charity exceeded $173 million in donations and over 71.5 million hours of volunteer service during the year. Some of the major K of C accomplishments included a new record in charitable giving, continued membership growth, and an increase in membership for the 43rd consecutive year.  Our parishes and neighborhoods are better places today because of the efforts of our nearly 1.9 million members.  Those organizations in the US and Canada receiving financial help from the K of C included Pro-Life institutions and support groups; associations responsible for the evangelization of the Catholic faith; educational institutions and community projects such as disaster relief.   Almost $2 million was given to support dioceses, parishes and the clergy.  The Knights of Columbus has never been stronger and more relevant as we are building a better world, one council at a time.



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