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Local Boy Wins

Congratulations go to 13-year-old John Karl Legado who came out the regional winner of the Knights of Columbus 2017 Basketball Free Throw Championships. Competitions were held at St. David’s Secondary School, with over 150 participants competing. Progressing in his age group, and after a victorious shoot-out, the St. Aloysius School student won the Joe Cinti Memorial Trophy, scoring five out of five baskets.

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, the Annual Ontario State competitions are held to determine the winner from both the boy’s and girl’s categories in several age groups. Depending on the scoring from other district participants, John Karl could progress to the International Championships.

172 basketball free throw trophy

He’s the Champ! 13 year-old John Karl Legado received the K of C Basketball Free Throw Trophy for winning his age group. The St. Aloysius School student received congratulations from Council 1504 Grand Knight Dave Obermeyer and school Principal Ms. Janet Foote.


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