Going back to September 2013, Council 1504 has organized the K of C Great Spring Cleanup six times, and each year the results have been tremendous. The scene was Saturday, May 6th at the St. Anthony Daniel’s parking lot. Raising almost $10,000 in the five previous drives, this year is no exception, as the wind and rain didn’t deter the hard work of many dedicated Brother Knights. This popular event, which accepts unwanted electronics and scrap metal, produces much needed funds to enable the Kitchener Knights of Columbus to maintain its charitable works within the community.
Supporting the drive was the Shred All truck which was kept busy resulting in the Food Bank of Waterloo Region receiving donations amounting to $1,264.00, exceeding results from last year. Braving the elements were Brothers Manfred Aulich, Terry & Jonathan Molloy, Sean Meany, Pat McGrath, Chris & Mike Detzler, Gerry Kelly, Mac Graham, Charley Sellers, Wayne Curry, Dave Hudder, Reinhart Schreiter, PGK Brian Schmalz, Peter Penlington, Fernando Melo, Andrew Kersey, Rem Roque, Tim Ferguson and GK Dave Obermeyer. Council’s energy continues with a big “Thank You” to all those Brother Knights who made this day the success it was.
