by Gary Megaffin
To build a strong foundation for success and to position Council 1504 to last for generations, it is important that all Council leaders work as a team and understand their individual duties and responsibilities. It is also important that this knowledge be passed to future leaders, so they will be prepared to one day assume these rolls guided by a committed Executive. Third Degree members accepting a position on the Executive must realize it’s a privilege and an honour that comes with its responsibilities. Ideally, that success can only be achieved when Executive positions are held by members who have had time to experience, but more important, to have been involved in Council events and its fundraising activities over time. It is imperative that candidates understand the normal progression of senior Council Executive positions ultimately leading to the position of the Grand Knight and must fully accept their responsibilities once elected. When this progression is interrupted, it can create a vacancy on the Executive that, eventually, is difficult to fill. Selected Executive members organize several K of C fundraising events which can be put in jeopardy when there is a prolonged positional vacancy. Once it occurs, it is essential, that position must be filled without delay. It is unwise, and unfair, to impose that responsibility on a willing candidate who is new and unfamiliar with the functions of Council. The lengthy vacant position of Chancellor for Council 1504 must be filled immediately. The Chancellor assists the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight with their duties as assigned, is entrusted with strengthening the members’ interest in Council activities and performs other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct. One of the Chancellor’s duties is the proper organization of the forthcoming Rose campaign to be successful. If you accept the call to commit and accept the responsibilities of Chancellor for Council 1504, please contact the Grand Knight at GK Dave Obermeyer.
