by Gary Megaffin
The Annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass was held at Blessed Sacrament Parish on Sunday November 12th. The celebration honours those Brother Knights from Council 1504 who have passed away this past year. The families from 12 deceased Knights were recognized and were presented with a Memorial Plaque by Grand Knight Dave Obermeyer and Council 1504 Chaplin Fr. Larry Parent. Assisting at the Mass were several members from Council 1504, while serving as the Honour Guard were 4th Degree members Sir Knights Mike Szabo, Whit Husk, Frank Troupe. Pat McGrath and Jim Padgett. Following the ceremony, everyone enjoyed a delightful reception hosted by Father Larry.

Accepting a Memorial Plaque on behalf of his late Grandfather, Brother Joe Lembo, is his 19-year-old Grandson, young Joe Lembo. Presenting the plaque is Grand Knight Dave Obermeyer, 4th Degree members Sir Knights Whit Husk and Pat McGrath.

Assisting at the Annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass at Blessed Sacrament Parish, November 12, were 4th Degree Honour Guard members from Council 1504. Each holding a Memorial Plaque from l to r, Sir Knights Mike Szabo, Whit Husk, Frank Troupe, Pat McGrath and Jim Padgett.