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The 2018 Schwaben Club Christmas Bazaar

by Gary Megaffin

It was the K of C snowmen decorations that appealed to shoppers at this year’s Schwaben Club Christmas Bazaar. PGKs Jim Padgett, Reinhart Schreiter, Brian Schmalz and Gerry Kelly displayed their salesmanship on a busy Sunday November 25. A small profit was realized as the small hanging snowman was the most popular item this year with an order for more. Despite their sales efforts, all sizes of the Nativity Scenes were passed over for other ornaments.

222 The 2018 Schwaben Club Christmas Bazaar

Shoppers saw a wide assortment of K of C Christmas decorations on sale at the Schwaben Club Christmas Bazaar. Salesmen on hand were PGKs from left Jim Padgett, Reinhart Schrieter, Brian Schmalz and Gerry Kelly.


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