by Gary Megaffin
The late Brother Dan Dineen (1940-2015) was a tireless promoter and supporter of the Kitchener Knights of Columbus, Council 1504. His devotion to the Knights was unsurpassed. To honour a Brother Knight for dedication to the Knights of Columbus, Council 1504 instituted the Brother Dan Dineen Award of Distinction. The Award is to recognize a member of Council 1504 who faithfully supports Council 1504 and his Brother Knights when help is called upon. GK Mike Szabo had the pleasure of awarding Brothers Frank Troupe and Wayne Curry the Dan Dineen Award of Distinction at a recent General Meeting. Recognizing their timeless contributions to both Council 1504 and the 4th Degree Assembly, Brothers Frank and Wayne could always be counted upon when needed. Unheralded in the K of C support, both Brothers are well-deserved winners.

Sir Knight Brother Frank Troupe receiving his Dan Dineen Award of Distinction from GK Mike Szabo.

Sir Knight Brother Wayne Curry receiving his Dan Dineen Award of Distinction from GK Mike Szabo.

Receiving their PGK pins from GK Mike Szabo are, from left, Past Grand Knights Brothers Jim Padgett and Brian Schmalz.