In honour of Excellency Bishop Douglas Crosby of Hamilton, Several of our 1504 Knights attended the Waterloo Region Catholic Schools Foundation’s 10th Annual Bishop’s Banquet on Thursday May 14th 2015 in the historic St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Kitchener. Our 4th degree Honour Guard sharply ushered the good Bishop into the hall at the commencement of the festivities. Council 1504 was listed as a major donor of this event and it proved to be an excellent venue for our members to network with local business, political and community leaders in Waterloo Region.
Invited guests from across Waterloo Region had the opportunity to share an evening of Catholic community with the Bishop and friends. The evening included a reception and an outstanding meal prepared by professional chefs and Hospitality students from our secondary schools and adult education programs. A keynote presentation by Excellency Bishop Douglas Crosby and a silent auction, rounded out the evening. The proceeds from the banquet generated from sponsorship, a portion of the ticket price and funds raised from the silent auction will continue to support the Faith Formation Programs in our Catholic Schools. Thanks to all of our members who purchased tickets to attend!